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Feb 14, 2013

4 months check-up & Dr Ummul Wahiy UMRA Shah Alam

Finally the day to meet baby has arrived! Punye lah excited nk jumpa baby, bgn awal gegile so that tak payah nk lame sangat tunggu turn nanti. Dah siap2 then baru perasan jam baru kul 8. Pffft. Clinic opens at 10 lah sheena!
Hahahaa. So kitorg gi bekfast lah dulu. Sampai2, tgk tak ramai sgt org, pheww. So seperti biasa, register and wait. Lame gak tunggu, tgk org yg sampai kendian dah kluar dah pun. Ishk. Rupe2nye, my file kene amik ngan Dr. Ummul.
Tapi kan, memula, punyelah mengamuk yang Dr Ummul amik my file coz lame gile kene tunggu!! Serious berjam2 hokay!! Siiikit lagi dah nk mengamuk. Tapi kan, lepas jumpa Dr Ummul, seriously tak menyesal. Sanggup tunggu lagi and lagi and lagi. Siap mintak request lah, in the future nk Dr. Ummul je yg check and nk di je yg handle me n baby.
Unfortunately for me, she will not be around for two months. And she'll check me only when she's back. So for the next two months, i'll have to settle for other doctors.
Okay.. Why my sudden change of heart, u ask? Dr Ummul is very detailed in her explanation and very thorough in getting our histories, and describing what type of formula is good for babies with lactose intolerance, what is good to prevent my eczema from flaring etc etc etc. This is BY FAR the most satisfied i've been with a consultation. Just to help you recall, read here. Even hubs got very comfortable and started asking questions himself. This, my friend, is something out of the ordinary. Slalunya Kiki akan dok senyap je. Hehehee. best tgk dier pun actively participate.
From what i know from my cousin whose their next door neighbours, she and her hubs (Dr. Rafi) owns UMRA. Maybe babtu kot she's more detailed.
Anyways, rase sronok sangat dapat dengar heartbeat for the 1st time instead of just seeing the flutters on the screen. And........ the best surprise is when Dr. switched the screen and showed me the 3D screen.
Baby's first 3D reveal! taken on 09.02.13 
Awww... Rase macam nk nangis pun ade, tp nasib baik dapat lah control lagik kan. Alhamdulillah baby sihat. Doctor pun explain lah, bentuk kepala dier nampak sempurna, tulang blakang die cantik, nampak kaki and tangan die clearly. EDD tetap 20th July 2013.
"Doctor, can you tell the gender?"
Soklan cepu mas! Tapi kan.. Takleh nk nampak coz baby blakangkan mama die. Puas doctor tunggu and alihkan scanner probe tu, tapi baby still takmoh tgk depan. Yang best biler tgk baby gerak2 and then it did the unthinkable! Die korek buntot!! Laaa.. Anak mama ni tak senonoh lah.
So outcome, lom boleh reveal lagik gender baby. Kite tunggu next appointment plak. Insyallah next month baby tunjuk lah kan. :)

My progress: 17wks 5days

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