baby's coffer. click here pls.. & baby say's Thank You!

choose your language

Nov 18, 2011

Meroyan - Apakah?

Hai. Remember my 'Go traditional TTC course'? Now i'm at the 4th stage. Pil Meroyan. Eh. Bukan meroyan tu penyakit prompuan lepas bersalin ke? I thought so too. Tp tak. Actually i pun smp skang tak tau aper meroyan tu. Definition die pun mcm tak clear.

So okay. Pil meroyan ni function die, untuk keluarkan darah-darah meroyan dlm our blood system. Again keluar the word 'meroyan', tp jom abaikan jelah. Coz seriously tak tau.

Percaye? Hahaa.. Capsule ni kena mkn 3 kali sehari, 3 biji sekali makan. So total 9 bijik lah a day kan. Rasa mcm banyak je. Ni dah masuk hari kebrape tak gak abis2. Anyone tau ape function sebenar pil meroyan ni?

Nov 13, 2011

Trying To Conceive - That down moment

I know i've been saying that i'm over the sad feeling of childless-ness. Truth be told, even if it means i'm going back on my words now, that's what i'm down with right this moment.

Dunno, maybe its just the fact that hubs is constantly bz at the studio and leaving me by my goodself. It just gotto me that maybe if i have a baby, this feeling of loneliness might somewhat disappear.. Sigh..
Cleaning the house i stumbled upon a few books that we've got during our kursus kahwin.
1. Koleksi nama-nama indah dalam Islam
2. Gerbang perkahwinan

The first book explains for itself. I discovered a dog-eared page from nearly a year ago. The page with the name Ikliluddin. "Mahkota ketaatan kepada Allah". I remembered the conversation we had. 

"Awak suka tak nama Ikliluddin?
"Ape makna die?
"Mahkota ketaatan kepada Allah"
"Suka. Nanti kite letak name depan die
"Saya suka Adam Luth Ikliluddin
"Sedap nyer.. Saya pun suke jugak. Awak salin lah nama tu. Nanti boleh kite ingat."

It used to be fun thinking and conjuring up names.

Now, the second book is basically a guide-book for Muslim newlyweds or those in the planing stages. It has everything from what is marriage, islamic laws of marriage "syariah" to husband - wife duties..

Skipped most of the front page. Too texty and i have already gone through those stages anyways. As i flipped the book trying to read headlines upon headlines, skimming the subs, i noticed something worth a read. Its about pregnancy.. Here it reads (its in malay though)...

Pahala Hamil

Diriwayatkan dalam sebuah hadis bermaksd:

"Perempuan yang menjaga Ibrahim, putera Rasulullah s.a.w datang lalu bertanya: "Wahai Rasulullah, engkau telah memberikan khabar gembira dalam segala hal untuk kaum lelaki, tetapi tidak untuk kaum wanita." Rasulullah menjawab: "Apakah kawan-kwan perempuanmu menghantarmu untuk bertanya seperti itu?" Jawabnya: "Benar, mereka meyuruhku seperti itu." Lalu sabdanya: "Tidakkah seseorang diantara kamu merasa redha apabila dia hamil untuk suaminya, suaminya berada dalam keadaan redha kepadanya? Sesungguhnya bagi wanita tersebut pahala sama dengan seorang perajurit yang puasa dan alam ketika berperang ke jalan Allah dan bila wanita tersebut menderita sakit sewaktu melahirkan, semua penghuni langit dan bumi tidak mengetahui apakah yang qunata-'ayun (penyujuk mata/ganjaran) yang telah disembunyikan daripadanya."
(Riwayat Ibnu Atsir)

Wanita yang hamil secara sah memang mempunyai banyak alasan untuk berbangga.

1. Dapat membuktikan kepada suaminya bahawa dia adalah wanita yang subur. Suami layak mencurahkan seluruh perhatian, kasih sayang dan kerinduan kepadanya, kerana buah hati bersamanya kini telah bersemayam di dalam rahim kekasihnya.

2. Dapat berharap bahawa kelak dia akan memiliki penyambung nama keluarga yang menjadi impian setiap manusia

3. Akan menjadi wanita yang dapat memperoleh pahala dari Tuhan selama masa hamil yang panjang itu. Bila selamat bersama bayinya, maka dia merasakan kesejukan hati yang tiada bandingan. Tetapi bila ditakdirkan oleh Allah menyambut ajal saat melahirkan, maka dia mati sebagai syahidah, mati sebagai tentera penegak agama Allah yang dijanjikan masuk syurga tanpa dihisab lagi.


So, there you have it. It saddens me. Am i not subur? I want to feel childbirth. The pureness of a women. Allah, you know whats best.. InsyAllah. One day..

Nov 9, 2011

Buang Baby

Korang semua dah tau kan, how hard i am wanting a baby.. Last few days rase sedih sgt coz bace pasal kes buang baby dalam paper. Not one, but two on the same page. The day before, another one. Then before, there was also a case.

Ade ni sampai ikat baby tu dalam plastic and buang kat tong sampah. Giler lah. Takde rase bersalah ke? Memang lah if kantoi malu and tak tau mane nak letak muka. But takkan lah tergamak smp leh buang. Ingat baby ni mainan ker? 

Nah.. Hayati lagu kat bawah ni... Tolonglah.. Tak payah lah tambah lagi dosa. Baby tu tak dosa.

Harapan Tanpa Suara

Oct 30, 2011


I received a message from an old friend in regards to this blog. Weee. There's ppl who actually reads this blog! Hye semua.. Assalammualaikum mummies, mummies-to-be or.. ehem. daddies. Ade ke? Sorry if blog ni tak best sgt. Actually Sheena set up this blog so that one day my future baby leh lah tau what ahkak ni went thru to dapat kan die.. :D 

If Sheena ade salah kate or terkasar bahase, sorry ye. If you like it here, you are indeed welcome to stay and walk (or read) with me thru this amazing journey.

Psal msg tu.. this is what it reads..

"hi girl,
read ur 'baby hopes' articles,and my hopes almost 3 years ago crossed my mind....
just nak share dgn u,because the feelings of wanting a baby?UNDERSTOOD.

this is what happend to me,kniq used to hv this kind of menstrual pain which wouldn't go away even after i got married (some old folks said it will go away once u get married im sure uve heard that too),and doc pun prnh ckp dgn kniq that im gonna hv some difficulties trying to conceive bcause of this menstrual problem ; lots of pain,period tak tetap,kedudukan peranakan tk betul etc ms tu kniq br sec 2 so bnde2 tu tk pntg sgt lg...

but after 6 mths i got married,blm ade sign of pregnancy,im starting to worried a bit,bkn apa,kniq kawen lewat,so no such thing as 'family planning not to cnceive yet',and my husband,families (u know that sort) started to ask and yes,its stressful!tp kniq jenis tk amik pot sgt lucky i hv few ppl who always comfort me whem i started to worry more than i should,haha...

anyway,back to topic,kniq try doc's advise,i took pil perancang for 3 moths,waited,and nothing.

hubby's twin is an alternative doc,he asked me to take this algae pill from CVT (color vibration therapy)..took it on n off sbb kniq selalu lupa...

last skali dia advise :

1)sesekali,bila haus teguk air paip,just teguk je sebrapa yg mau without hesitation,tp jgn la jdkan minuman ruji plak,sesekali...

2)makan terung.kalau berselera sgt dgn terung tu bole mkn mentah2,tp if kita ni normal,mestila masak bnde tu kan,hahah...tkde rutin tetap,tp makan je bila terasa perlu,myb lbh kerap lah if ur trying for a baby kan...

3)kalau both kat ats tu tk mnjadi jugak,last skali mandi air hujan dgn hubby,tp dgn syarat,hujan tu mesti b4 3pm...if da 3pm onwards tkde dah magic dia (magic ni pun dgn izin tuhan of course)

kniq try both 1 & 2,mmg tk penah pun sbb buat apa la nk minum air paip bila kita fikir kita ade source air yg lbh baik kan...and..kniq mmg tak suka terung!ntah,the slimy and stickiness tu buat kniq geli,but..yeah u'd go to any great length for a zuriat kniq telan jugak la,dlm 2 3 kali dinner,ahahhaha...

and the 3rd one tu,mcm romantic jer kan,mndi hujan sama2 dgn hubby,looking forward to do that bcause of the romanticness sound of it,but...Alhamdulillah,tak sempat nak buat,kniq dpt berita gembira....pregnant 6 weeks bila kniq tk period lgsg wthin 3 mths of trying tu....yg penting skali,lepas dah usaha,kita tak berhenti meminta dariNYA,dan tawakkal tu ala Allah...amin.

if sheena rasa nak cuba,by all means,its a pleasure that i could share it with u here...

kniq doakan sheena...
hope to hear the good news very very soon!
insyaAllah,Gods will.AMIN.

GOOD LUCK sheena darling!

Good luck,and take good care of urself."

Thanks Kak Niq for your Doa, well wish and tips. Hmm.. Macam best jer tip #3 tu. *winks* Esok start tunggu hujan. Hujan je, siaplah encik kiki kene heret turun bawah. Heheeehe.. Leh nehi nehi skali. Cam romantic kan?

Oct 29, 2011

Halia Muda + Lempoyang + Madu

Okay. Back to our traditional medication course. Nak crite sikit about his madication; the lethal pedas mixture. Phew~

Lempoyang + Halia Muda Medley

Ni nak di-blend sesame
Madu Asli

Ni campur last skali... so xlah pedas sgt
Lepas blend, kene masak dulu. Then bile dah boil baru leh tapis

Inilah hasil lepas tapis. Nyum? heheheeee

Voila! Bon Apetite!

Haaa... Tu diaaa... Mau? Ade beran? My course ends this morning. But he has still 6 more days to go. Pasni nanti i update lg k. See the keberkesanan. :D

Actually banyak gak khasiat lempoyang. Lempoyang ni sejenis halia. Ade orang tak panggil die lempoyang, tp Halia Hutan. Die bau and rupa same je mcm halia. So jangan confuse kay biler nak pi beli kat pasar. I recommend Pasar Chow Kit. Coz kat sini, u can find practically anything traditional. Senang, and i don't think they'll trick you into buying something that isn't.

Back to the khasiat of lempoyang, sebenarnyer tak sure ape khasiat die. Cuma what i know is that orang dulu-dulu swear by this. I think untuk keluarkan angin kot. 
Dah try gak google it, tp cam tak byk info. In English, diorang panggil Lempoyang ni "Shampoo Ginger", scientifically,  its known as "Zingiber Zerumbet" (mcm name African kate my hasben. heeheheee..)

Oct 28, 2011

The best thing about TTC

Although memang ngaku #TryingToConceive ni sometimes is extremely stressful, tp i've learnt a way of thinking positive. Ngeh ngeeh ngeeh.. Nak tau ape? LOTSASEX! And be sure to make it lotsa fun!

Serious.. it distresses you. Okay. Not trying to sound like one from the First Wives Club, but it is OWH SO GOOD! Okay okay. Back to topic.

#TryingToConceive also actually makes you realise how badly u want something and is willing to go great lengths to achieve it. Ingat i suka makan minum bende pelik2 and busuk2 tu?? Tapi ni gak yang buat kite sedar betapa hebat nyer kebesaran Allah.. Dia ade plan untuk kite. Dia maha mengetahui and He knows if we are ready or not. Although otak ni berkeras kate dah ready. Maybe pocket kite lom ready, maybe Allah tau one of us is not mentally ready. Banyak sebab nyer and biler Dia rase dah time, Kun Fayakun. Maka jadilah.

So for now, nak stress sangat pun tak guna kan.. Tingkatkan usaha kerana usaha tangga kejayaan! Yessa! Positive thinking tak akak..? Ngehngehngeh...

Esok last morning with the pagaga-bawang putih juice. Voila! Nak kate ade rase ape-ape perbezaan, takde pun. Tp yang nampak is, i dah 2 hari sembelit. Pelik kan? Takpe, esok settle kang call Mak. She what she has to say..

Owh nak tau ape tu pegaga or name scientific nyer, Centella Asiatica? Or nak tau ape khasiat die? Click here and here.

ni dier...
Dah bace kan? Nape duduk je lagik? Gi lah cepat wat juice pegaga tu. Now you know that ni is not only for those #TryingToConceive. Semua org elok minum pun. :D 

Happy trying!

Oct 27, 2011

Cantella Asiatica anyone?

Whoa! Last post was in July!! Okay.. don't keep your hopes up yet. No baby. Still a double :) We are now going traditional yo!

Since everyone asked me to wait for at least a year before heading off to the doctors, we decided that we won't be sitting around simply waiting. So we opted for traditional.

Yes, u heard right. Here come's the disgusting jamu and smelly potions. The start was a little shaky. Had to complete a course of jamu capsules. Can't really remember what its called. i cheated though and skipped a few days. heehe. Mane tak nyer. Dahlah kene makan 3 kali sehari, tiga bijik setiap kali plak tu! seksa... Memula je semangat, pastu start skip timing.. then skip hari. Then terus terlupa.

Then onto Course 2. Maajun. Sticky stinky balls of herbs and spices to down in 12 days. he has to go through this too. I'm not alone! Baru tau betapa busuk dan pahit dan seksa nyer nak makan jamu! Tapi kali ni tak cheating hokay... Siap Mak Esah (aunty hubby yang mmg tukang urut dan ubat traditional) kate "Mak nak tgk laki bini makan ni. Habis 12 hari datang jumpa mak. Jangan lupa tau." First few days mmg susah giler. Bile masukkn dalam mulut, terus Maajun tu cam melekat. Dah lah rase spice die kuat giler! Taknak turun plak tu! Tp after hari ketiga, dah pro.... 

So settle lah 12 hari, kitorg pun call lah Mak. Mak pesan, pas habis ni, call Mak, die bg list bende2 yang nak kene beli. Her list:

1. Daun pegaga
2. Halia muda
3. Lempoyang
4. Madu asli

"Nak senang, beli semua ni kat pasar Chow Kit. Kalau takut salah beli ke, tak tau nk beli, amik Mak, kite pg same2"

So kitorg pun balik je keje (nasib baik haritu mmg dedua leh cabuit on the dot!) amik lah Mak and bawak die gi pasar Chow Kit. Seyes... First time masuk, horror gak. Mak stop kat satu kedai tu.

"Bg lempoyang 1 kilo." Terbeliak gak bijik mate. 1 kilo?? Banyak nyer! Siap kene pilih sendiri lah.. 

Pastu gi kat satu lagik kedai "Nak, bg Mak daun pegaga ni 10 ikat. ah. tambahlah satu lg ikat. boleh?"

Gulp. 11 ikat?? Banyaknyer... Pastu kami sambung lagik carik halia muda pulak. Seyes if mak tak ikut, mmg lah tak tau nk pilih.

Sampai umah Mak, we kene cuci plak daun pegaga tu. Akar takleh buang coz semua nutrition kat akar. Cuci punye cuci, sedar2 dh 3 jam. Hahaaha. Imagine lah tangan kitorg cammane kecut.

Then comes the instructions...

"Daun ni kamu blend. Blend skali ngan bawang putih. Lepas blend semua, simpan dalam peti ais. Setiap pagi sebelum sarapan, minum satu mug. Blend ngan air ni (air yasin). Abang Ki, kamu punyer rumit sikit. Ni mak dah bahagi2kan. Satu bahagian untuk 3 hari, lepas 3hari leh buang and blend bahagian yang baru."

"Jgn lupa. Sebelum minum, selawat, baca al-fatihah, pastu jatuhkan niat..

u boleh?
Okay.. Mine although bau die cam rumput and ade sikit2 bau bawang putih, tak seteruk hubby punyer. Kesian die. Imagine lah, halia and lempoyang blend! Pas blend kene masak, then tapis to get the juice. Even the two spoons of madu asli cannot rid the foul taste. And kene minum  2 kali sehari pulak tu. heheee.. Busukkkkkkkkkkkk tak hengat!

So now, we are at Day 2. I think i still have two mornings for the dreadful green juice and him, another full week X 2! Pasni kene jumpa Mak lagik tu report.

Hopefully dengan izin Allah, our usaha will be fruitful.

Jul 23, 2011


Surfing through the web, and reseraching on infertility or fertility problems, i found something really stunning. A medical problem which symptoms befits me to the point that i think i might have it.

Endometrosis. What is? This condition, in which endometrial tissue (the uterine lining that sheds with each monthly period) grows outside the uterus, is a major cause of infertility in women.

Okay.. So now read the symptoms and count my check marks.

Common symptoms include:

• chronic pelvic pain - CHECKED

• very painful periods - CHECKED

• deep pain during sexual intercourse

• difficulty becoming pregnant - CHECKED

• pain during ovulation

• heavy or abnormal menstrual flow, such as premenstrual spotting/staining - CHECKED

• painful bowel movements, diarrhoea, constipation or other intestinal upsets during menstruation - CHECKED

• painful or frequent urination during menstruation - CHECKED

• exhaustion. - CHECKED

Is it too soon to be heading to the clinic?? Or should i wait??

Ovulation Test Kit

We have all read about right timing and ovulation. But what is ovulation? Ovulation is when one or more of our eggs are released from the ovary, pushed down the fallopian tube and is ready to be fertilised. 

Scientifically and logically, THIS is the time you should be getting jiggy with it. Coz trying to conceive when u have not ovulated, is near to impossible. There are many ways to calculate when you will be ovulating. Tools such as the Ovulation Calender is one of the best and can be easily be found on the web.

There is also the Ovulation Test Kit. It looks just like a pregnancy test kit, but only works for a different purpose. It measures if you are ovulating. Cool huh? It can be found over the counter at most major pharmacies and cost from a range of RM39.90 - RM48.90.

I purchased a pack yesterday at to just give it a shot. No harm in trying right? The thrill of reading the result can feel just the same as waiting for the pregnancy test kit result! Hahaahaha...


Owh sigh.. I miscalculated again. This though, is my Ovulation Calculator result:

Ovulation calculator results

Based on your answers, you are likely to be most fertile from Tuesday, 26 Jul, 2011 to Sunday, 31 Jul, 2011. If you were to get pregnant during that time, your due date would be Friday, 20 Apr, 2012.

So no jiggying? I guess not the, have to save 'em sperms for Tuesday! Hope we're both in the right mood for it then.

Jul 17, 2011


Today sembang ngan mama. Told her how sedih i am coz i belum conceive lagi.. Mama kate "Kak, itu urusan Allah. Mungkin Dia ade sebab kenape tak bagi kakak ade anak lagi. InsyAllah kak, mane tau when biz kakak pun dah stable sikit, time tu Dia rase kakak dah 'bersedia', die akan bagi kakak"

Thanks ma.. Akak just sedih.. Maybe its the hormones, tapi this week mmg rase down sangat.

Jul 12, 2011

Its here... again..

Its here again. The monthly unwanted invasion of my body. Its exactly a month from the previous one, no faster, no later. I felt the soreness already the past few days and yesterday, as always, i get really sensitive and tired. 

Try again? Its getting to me, this trying thing. Its no fun anymore..

Jun 22, 2011


Last night, i had a terrible dream. Not really a nightmare, just a bad bad dream. In that dream, i was very much pregnant and is thin is nearing my due date. It was real. I could feel the baby bump, could actually feel the pain, could remember the awkward feeling walking and the rush of going into labour.

All that feels good and i like it. Now here comes the bad part. I was ready to go into delivery, when suddenly, my tummy went flat. The baby went POOF! and just vanished. No more bump, no more pain no more baby. I panicked and did not remember much after that. Woke up feeling sad.. So so sad..Signs? Sigh..

This morning, when i related the dream to mama, she said maybe it happened coz i was constantly thinking of getting pregnant and somewhat or rather, it got to the better of me. I know about the strong desires of wanting something really badly could lead to dreams but if its in a bad way? What does it show?

"Ya Allah ya tuhanku, murahkan lah rezeki kami dan kurniakan lah kami dengan cahaya mata.. Amin.. "

Jun 16, 2011


My first post in my Baby Hopes blog. hah.. what do i say? Hye baby to be? i'm really hoping u'll arrive one day? Hmm.. Okay, here goes.. I got married last December and i'm terribly wanting a baby. Maternal clock's ticking so loud that i can't even seem to hear myself think. 

In two days, we'll celebrate our 6th monthsary (whatever that is). No inkling of a bun in the oven. Having my period now. I'm now taking Folic Acid to help me conceive. I think i shall treat this as a personal blog so one day my baby (if i do get one) will be able to read it and know how hard it is to get him/her.
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