baby's coffer. click here pls.. & baby say's Thank You!

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Jun 30, 2013

37 weeks - Air Selusuh + Bunga Fatimah

Yeay! Smalam Alhamdulillah, i dah masuk 37 weeks into my pregnancy. Do the maths, its 9months 7days. Kalo ikut doctor's kiraan, it means i have 3 more weeks, tapi mmg org dulu2 kata kita preggy 9bulan 10hari. takpelah, kiralah macam mana pun nak kira, yg penting, DAH DEKAT SANGAT!

Pergi singgah rumah mak esah on friday (mak esah is kiki's aunt yg urut org bersalin/ nak bersalin/ berubat. wanna know more, click posts2 lama ya) untuk amik air selusuh and check kedudukan baby.

Mak check perut and urut2, dia kata kepala baby dah cantik dah. Ni macam dah dekat and baby pun dah turun, boleh bersalin anytime. Dia kata just be ready.

Then dia preparekan air selusuh. Apa tu air selusuh? Memula kita ingat air sulusuh tu air sejenis herba or sumthing. Rupa2 nya its just air kosong yang telah dijampi dengan ayat al-Quran and mak masukkan skali Bunga Fatimah.

Bunga Fatimah ni can only be found in Mekah. And for many many years have been used by the Arabs to aid in easing delivery. Wallahualam. Ada yang panggil Sanggul Fatimah, kat arab its known as Kaf Maryam. And banyak gak nama2 lain.

Air bunga fatimah ni leh membantu membukakan cervix. And kurangkan sakit  bila nak bersalin. Bunga Fatimah ni gak leh gauge bila kita nk bersalin. Bukan ramalan ye.. Kata nya, if bunga ni kembang (bunga ni sangat2 kering) makna nya time dah dekat. And mak pun bgtau, bila dah dekat sangat bunga ni akan jatuh ke bawah (bunga ni dalam botol mineral tinggi tu). 

So bila mak masukkan je, bunga terus kembang. Tapi, dia cam terapung kat atas. Amalan minum air selusuh ni, diiringi doa yang dibaca Nabi Yunus ketika berada didalam perut ikan paus.

(1) Selawat nabi
(2) Baca doa 7x
(3) Minum and sapukan sikit kat perut (sambil berdoa mintak baby kebawah) and sapu pinggang belakang (sambil berdoa mintak pintu rahim terbukak)

لا إِلهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ سُبْحانَكَ إِنّى كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمينَ

"Laailahailaanta subhanainni kuntum minazzalimin"
(Tidak ada tuhan selain Engkau, Maha Suci Engkau. Sungguh aku termasuk  orang-orang yang zalim.)

Actually kan, doa ni mmg bagus diamalkan selalu especially when you've hit rock-bottom and betul2 dalam kesusahan. Insyallah.. Kita berikhtiar and berusaha. Mak kata, minum je air ni, dah boleh start haritu gak. So kita pun start lah malam tu.. 

Keadaan bunga tu smalam time pagi:

Terapung time Subuh

Smalam spent the whole day kat my in-laws. Balik2 Kiki beli mineral water nk tambah kat botol tu. Then dia jerit "Sayang! Mari sini cepat!! U tgk bunga tu, dah kat bawah botol! Tadi before i masukkan air, i rase dia still terapung."

Betullah... Bunga tu dah kat bawah botol. This is how it looks:

Semankin kembang and its at the bottom of the bottle

Again i nak stress-kan, ni bukan ramalan or magic. Kita percaya and serah kepada-Nya for only He knows best. So skang i'm just waiting.. Maybe tomorrow? Maybe next week? Maybe in two weeks? Wallahualam.. Just know in my heart, dah dekat dah. 

CUAK! Doakan semua goes as planned and berjalan lancar..!

Jun 24, 2013

Deranged BSP, another night at HSB and insulin jabs

*What is GDM. All about GDM*
Last week my BSP (sugar levels) went off the roof! Doctor kat KK terus refer me to the hospital. I was trying to plead my way out of it saying that it was only the b'fast reading yg tinggi, but dia paksa gak.
So off we went to be admitted to L&D for 24hours CTG monitoring and doppler. When the time came for the final check on the doppler, doctor bg surprise.
"Puan, ur reading is not good. I've tried doing it 3 times and still tak dapat chart yang cantik. I'm sorry but i can't discharge you. We have to deliver your baby today."
"But it's because baby's moving to much rite?" (mmg lebih dari stgh jam nak amik charts psl baby terlalu active plak pagi tu)
"No. That's not the reason." "Then what do i do? Where do we go from here?"
"Okay.. For now, i'll give you two jabs to strengthen the baby's lungs. Each jab will be in a space of 12hours. After the two jabs, we will induce you."
Dalam hati and otak dah pikir macam2 and dah berdoa panjang. Then suddenly. "Yes! Finally a good chart!"
Tapi before discharge kene buat satu lagi CTG, nearly failed coz dr kate contractions banyak. Nasib baik banyak je, tp tak kerap. Phew~
Discharge note & my new toy
So bolehlah discharge, tp Dr kate shes still worried, and i'm ordered to self-administer insulin on a daily basis till i bersalin and will have to pay a visit to the specialist in a few days time. Skang ni dah macam doctor sendiri lah. Pepagi lagik dah cucuk mencucuk.
Daily dose of insulin
Mungkin ni semua dugaan for me and doa2 sgt time delivery, i pulak senang.. Insyallah.
*note: masa plead ngan doctor to discharge me, the specialist kata they do not want to take the risk if baby is to die in-utero. And once very two months they get a case like this where the mother insists on going home and coming back tomorrow morning, but when datang balik, baby is already dead. Kesian kan..

Jun 18, 2013

Hospital Sg. Buloh Review

*Continue on a glimpse of HSB here

This is a sambungan of my earlier post: Clinical change - Klinik Kesihatan Ibu & Anak

Pikir punya pikir, rasa2 macam dah firm on my decision to bersalin at Hospital Sg Buloh after the good reviews yang dapat from there and since hubby leh ikut skali masa bersalin, rasa macam relief.

Actually still masih nak gak bersalin kat Hospital UMRA, but risau plak bila dapat review yang ramai kata doc kat situ cepat je nk c-zer. Takut what if tetiba anything happen, nk kene c-zer or nk kene warded lama pulak. Hmm...

Tapi kan, rasa2 with GL hubby, leh kott mintak First Class ward at Hospital Sg Buloh (HSB). And takde lah mahal sgt. Alhamdulillah, i think we'll save alot more and if jadi gak bersalin kat HSB, we will have much leftover.

Charges & deposits for HSB as follows (for Malaysians):
FAQ for delivery kat HSB, click here.

Kelas 1 (First Class)
Normal: RM300
Caesarean: RM800
Forcep: RM400
Breech: RM400

Kelas 2 (2nd Class)
Normal: RM150
Caesarean: RM400
Forcep: RM200
Breech: RM200

Kelas 3 (3rd Class)
Normal: RM10
Caesarean: RM100
Forcep: RM50
Breech: RM50

Affordable kan? Tanya gak my frens yang bersalin kat HSB and also read the reviews on Google, diorang kata sakit dia sama je sheena, and ward dia pun takda lah teruk, esp if you amik First Class. Okay. I'm sold. Anyways memang taknak lama2 pun kat dalam ward. kalo boleh, pas bersalin terus nak balik. Boleh? Hahahaaa..


Anyone yang wish to buy me a 'pushing' gift, leh tak nk request for tix?? Puhleaseeeeee........ I am so needing this right now to ease the bersalin anxieties and stress! Boleh? Boleh?

Nak! Nak! Nak!

Perubahan at 35weeks

sorry gambar blur. cameraman tak bertauliah

35weeks banyak perubahan yang ketara. Muka and hidung tak payah cakap lah. Dah leh panggil Cik Sheena Wan Kembang dah ni. Perut dah kebawah, lega sikit.. Dah leh breath ngan nyaman...
Baby skang every movement dia agak sakit and ketara. Kadang2 dah macam alien resurrection. Macam dia tgh korek2 perut kita nk cuba keluar. Sronok gak tgk, tp mmg tak cukup tido.
Brain function semenjak masuk this week dah 0 or -ve. Seriously brain dead and sebelum lunch dah mengantuk gila. Baby now tgh rapid growth spurt so semua energy kita dia sedut. Serious, ni macam penat time 1st trimester dulu.
Pelvic skang dah rasa sakit. Nk jalan pun terkedek2.
Some other symptoms:
1. kaki dok berpeluh
2. panas sentiasa (ni mmg dari awal pregnancy lagi)
3. nak wee-wee sentiasa
4. Rasa time berjalan teramat slow
5. stretch marks dah makin byk (mine kat keliling pusat and belah bawah perut)
6. Practice/false contractions semakin kerap (to most, its called Braxton Hicks contractions)
7. Nausea (loya-loya) masa first trimester to pun ada balik, but not as bad and as frequent, sumtimes je
8. Hilang selera nk makan
9. Nervousnss which causes sleepless night. Anxiety attacks.
So now tgh gagah-kan diri kat office sampai thursday. Then next week sampai wednesday then CUTI!
My progress: 35weeks 3days

Jun 14, 2013

34 weeks 5 days Check-up

Smalam buat check-up 34weeks skali ngan sugar level review.
Sugar review:
SPIKED! And kene retake the test in a week. Shait! And doctor kata if next week nyer reading tinggi gak, might have to be referred to hospital for induction. Hmm.. mix emotion. Takut tapi bagus gak induce coz seriously mcm dah tak larat dah ni...
Baby check-up:
Fetal weight: 2106g
Growth: Normal
Head: Enganged (tapi tak tanye plak dah brapa % engaged)
Fluid: Adequate
Smalam scan baby, ingat dah alang2 nk scan, nk buat lah lagi 3D/4D, tapi sonographer tu kata dah tak boleh pasal baby dah besar sangat. Hampa. Tapi smalam best ga tgk scan tu. Baby langsung taknak dok diam. And... dapat tgk dia buat kick clearly on screen! What would normally take about 30 mintes to complete (smalam wat detail scan), took us nearly a full hour.
Apa tu 'Engaged'?
Engaged tu bukan bertunang ye. Maybe in a different context it is, but not during pregnancy. hehehee. 'Engaged' is when kepala baby dah ready and dah masuk ke saluran dia nk kluar nanti. Dia akan makan masa bit-by-bit to reach full engage. Ni lah penyebab slau rasa nyilu or presuure kat va-jay-jay. Ada orang kata bila kepala dah engage, dah kira dkat lah tu.. Wallahualam. This term is also called 'Dropping'. Time ni leh tgk your tummy dah kebawah and not as high as it use to be. *source frm Dr and also cik google 
Back to the check-up, doc kata my weight is static for almost a month and its sumwhat a little worrying. Nk buat cammane, bukan tak makan, just kurang and im on the GD diet kan.
So skang i'mjust praying for the best and mintak2 i pass next week's pricking tests. Seriously, i'm hoping all these ends soon. Emotonally, physically and mentally drained as of now.

Jun 11, 2013

Road Trip #3 - Baby @ 34 weeks

My uncle passed away early saturday morning and grandma's still ICU. It was decided for me that i'm not to drive down to Singapore since i'm already at my 34th week (unsafe?).
But after getting the news, hubs kata its best we go rather than have me sitting at home alone being all sad. Drove down at 1.30pm. What would have been a normal 3-4 hours drive ended after 7 hours! All thanks to three massive road accidents along the way.
When we finally crossed the border, it was already too late to be going to the hospital.
My back hurt like hell hroughout the journey and we had to take numerous 'stretching and wee wee stops'.
Bila nk sampai immigrtaions checkpoint, jantung macam nervous gile! Mane tak nyer, if they are to find out that im already over 8 months, i will not be allowed in. So nk cover my huge huge tummy, i had to actually take hubby nyer jacket and cover. Pastu when the officer peeked through the window, i actually bent down in the guise of keeping my passports in my bag. Hahahaaa. Imagine, sakit gila bila nk bend down tu, tuhan saje yg tau senak cammane. Senyum jelah kan. Nasib baik lepas.
Malam tu tak boleh tido. Body penat sgt and i down have my comfort pillows. Then cam biasa, at 2am, baby start melasak. I ended sleeping at 4am. Tapi kul 6 lebih terjaga lagi. Seriously needed the rest, tp mata tak leh nak lelap.
Making full use of the limited time there, we went for earlyy breakfast before making our way to the hospital. Alhamdulillah, nenek seems to be doing better and may be transferred to the normal wards very soon.Time ni actually perut dah sakit2. Maybe psl penat berjalan.
Lepas hospital, ziarah family Allahyarham my uncle. More walking coz parking jauh. Actually nyesal gak tak turun dulu bila my brother dah offer nk drop me off first. Hahhaaa. Padan ngan muka ko sheena... Konon gagah sgt.
Fast forward, gi lunch and back at the hospital to visit nenek again. Time ni lama sikit coz jumpa my uncles and aunties. Time ni badan dah rabak penat dah. Sakit2 tapak kaki and letih sgt. So balik umah my aunty, played with my niece and lepak2 ngan my kak nani, then siap2 balik KL.
Dalam kreta, then pain started. Pain yg tak pernah rasa before this. Perut kat sebelah bawah macam kene contraction and cramps kat pinggang belakang. Time ni dah risau dah sebenarnya. Dah pikir macam2 but just abaikan. Sowh hubby rub minyak panas kat belakang. Pastu usap2 perut cakap ngan baby sowh bertahan and sorry buat dia penat sgt.
Na jadikan crite, sampai rumah sedar yg kunci rumah and access card kreta tertinggal kat kreta kelisa (kitorg drive kreta my SIL psl nk cepat). Impossible lah kan nk call dia pepagi buta (3.30am) nk sowh tukar keta. So drive lah balik umah my parents. Sampai umah memang dedua lah flat. Nak tak nak, terpaksa lah both of us bercuti smalam. Nak gi keje mcm mane? Still nk kene amik kunci rumah lagik, amik access card lagik. So kitorg pn gunalah smalam as our ultimate resting day.
Serious trip ni sgt memenatkan. Lagi2lah in my condition. But mmg ni lah last trip before we welcome baby to  th world. Alhamdulillah smua okay... Lusa ada 34weeks check-up and scan. So mintak2lah everything is alright =)

Jun 3, 2013

Cuti sudah ku apply~

HR has been bugging me on when i'll be going off for my leave. Honestly people, i'd go now if i have the chance to, but...

EDD is 20 July actually, so rasa macam awal sgt kan amik cuti. Memang pun.. Rase cam 3 minggu awal tu! Camni, initial plan nyer nak amik cuti 1 - 2 weeks earlier then EDD tapi pikir nyer pikir, amik gak awal. Sebab2 as below:

There will be a project launch on the 20th. Yes.. On my EDD. And this is the project that i've been working on from day 1 at this company. Kira ni pun my baby gak lah. I watch it grow...... Dah nk masuk dua tahun. (sedih gak kan, all my hard work, pass kata org lain right at the 11th hour).

So skang ni tgh the busiest time kat office with everybody running around for the preparation works from architect department to marketing to sales. Senang cakap semua lah bz. So mmg lah depa semua nampak yg kit ani dah sarat and tak larat, tp selagi they see my face, keje akan still pass to me psl MARCOM department, unfortunately is me and me alone. Yups. Solo show.
Nasib baik my replacement hire start keje arini. Mase interview die aritu, punyalah happy bila tgk die macam excited nk keje sini. hahhaaa.. Alhamdulillah. Now i can go and enjoy my maternity leave in peace.
Off track. So hubby kata what if anything happen while you are at work? Semua org bz giler and June is his busiest time too. Orchestra penuh ngan concerts and in btween byk plak recording for raya shows and these must be completed before Ramadhan (8 July 2013).
Arini fill-up lah jugak form. Leave starts on June 27, time tu i will be 36weeks 5days. Dah full term and tunggu hari jelah kan.
Okay jap. Perut dok mengeras mcm baby tgh stretching as i type now. Sikit je lagi nak. Pasni mama dah tk langgar awak ngan tabletop lagik kay. hahahaaa.. tenang baby, tenang...
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