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Jul 20, 2013

My Birth Story: Welcoming Ilan Aydeen

At the last check-up, i was given the final induction date. I'm to be admitted on 6th July 2013 to be induced, or as they call it, IOL. That's exactly on my 38th week of gestation.

That morning was a scary and stressed out one. Had breakfast before heading to the hospital. Checked in at 9.00 am. Doctor's checked me and as expected, i was closed; 0 cm dilated. The cervix check was uncomfortable. To note, the nurse at the registration counter told me that wards were full and those who came in yesterday was still waiting. They will only start inducing me when a bed at the induction wards become available. Waiting list is now at 11. 

I spent the next 2 nights in PAC (Patient Admission Center). It was boring but bearable as we were constantly being checked on for CTG's and doctors review. The day came when i was finally brought up to Ward 6C. It was roughly around 1-ish, 9th July 2013.

That afternoon at approximately 3pm, i was checked and cervix open at 2cm. Doctor's inserted me with what they called posting to soften my cervix. Contractions started and that night my contractions went off the roof. Even though bad, i could still find strength to walk around the wards in the hope that it'll help with the cervix. The nighttime nurse saw me up in pain throughout the night and said that she'll give me painkillers to help me sleep it off. She was surprised that with my high contractions i could still hold on. I guess its thanks to my high pain threshold. 

Contractions went crazy intense, lasted longer and was more frequent
That morning, i was expecting to see the pain go stronger and my cervix dilated more, but sumhow it just went away. There was still pain, but not as intense and frequent as the night before. I was checked and was at 2cm still. Doctors still wanted to do another posting.  

After the 2nd posting, stronger contractions started to develop and that later that morning, i had my 'bloody show' (that's losing the mucus plug or kembar darah). Told myself there has to be major progress. The whole day was uncomfortable for me and that night, it all started. I requested for the pain killers from the night doctor (checked and opened at 3cm).

Doctors said i'm progressing and will be having me transferred to L&D (labour & delivery) on the next available room. It was a busy week for the delivery wards. So many babies being born on that day!

Finally wheeled to L&D. My nerves got the better of me and i kinda started to worry much. This time around there was a battalion in and out of the room. There were nurses to watch over me and the doctors who came, poked, inserted tubes, poked summore and eventually broke my waters. Psst.. It is in fact painful when ur waters are being broken.

They had me started on Pitocin drip to induce labour. This time, contractions were coming in big time! It didn't help that there was a HUMONGOUS wall clock in ma' face!! I tried the breathing technique whenever a contraction came. I was also reciting all doas that i know of. 

Four hours later, docs came in to check and i was down back at 3cm. Pfft. What a bummer. They upped my Pitocin and said to be back to check on me in another 4 hours. I couldn't take it. The contractions were so frequent and intense that i could not find the space in between to even think. I was focusing on the clock which made me more nervous then ever. 4hours came, dilated top 4cm. What??! You mustavbeen kidding me! I thought it was working! 

I was crying and literally begging the doctors to operate on me and that i could not stand the pain any longer. Deaf ears and they upped Pitocin and added 2 more daunting hours before the chief doctor called the shots for me to be delivering baby via emergency c-section.

Got hubby in the room and we were made to sign consent. I saw him cry.. He said he can't bear to see me in so much pain.

He stayed with me till i went into the OT.

At exactly 11.56pm, 10th July 2013, i welcomed Ilan Aydeen to the world. Alhamdulillah, he was perfect. My perfection. 

Ilan Aydeen Bin Marzuki
10 July 2013 - 11.56pm
Weight - 2.49kg
Length - 50cm
To note: Baby of 1st Ramadhan 

Ilan Aydeen Bin Marzuki 


Mak Lin said...

Salam Ilan Aydeen Bin Marzuki!

Meet Muhammad Adam Hariz bin Mohd Qushaiey :)
5/7/13 @6pm

~lalala~ said...

I knew it! I knew that you've given birth dah! Sebab tengok tak update2 pun blog. haha. wah, nama anak u unik la, apa maksud dia? and he's really cuuuteee!

Sheena Saini said...

Hi Suzlin! And congrats on ur little bundle of joy, Muhammad Adam Hariz!

Sheena Saini said...

hhahhahahaa!!! Yups! I popped! So ur next in line ayyyyy? Ilan Aydeen means 'A good n enlightened person'

Mawar said...

Mabruk Tabarakallah dear!! Congrats on your newborn! May Allah make the first few months a smooth one for you Inshallah. :)

Sheena Saini said...

Thank you Mawar.. Amin.. <3

Mayamin Yuhaniz said...

Comelnya baby

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